Thursday, October 26, 2006

Advertise my blog, win old crap!

Since my gospel is seriously lacking in any type of active community ('cept for evolved and snyde), I'm going to have a promotion where I give away fantastic prizes (read: old crap I am too lazy to throw out) to the person that gets me the most new commenting readers, or feed subscribers.

Stupid jun....awesome prizes include: single socks that I can't find the other foot of (there's a sweet checker one that I used to like a lot), old car magazines (mainly Sport Compact Car), and a Sony mp3 player (brand new, never been used, can't return to Target). Ha! I bet you thought all of the prizes would be crap, well you were wrong asshole! The contest starts now and ends on some day next month.

Start promoting me now and get free trash, and an mp3 player.

Also, check out Snyde's blog for insights and quips far more intelligent than anything my feeble mind could come up with.

P.S. - I love vodka!


Snyde said...

vodka -- shudder
thx for the props, kid, now that I see how it's done...
'course, I have even fewer readers to offer......

Snyde said...

who you callin' "asshole", dude?????

Fatal said...

Umm...I'm calling evolved an asshole...

Actually everyone is an asshole, everyone except me...and Jesus.

Jesus is most certainly not an asshole people.

W. is though, and someone should punish him for it (hold on I hear knocking at my door, I think it's the FBI).

Tekk said...

Typical, I take the brunt of it and I didn't even do anything. Thats it...Im making my own blog. F YOU GUYS

Snyde said...

well duh, evolved --- fukkin about time!!!!!

Tekk said...

Well it has begun then! You shall see my blog appear soon enough