Thursday, October 26, 2006

Advertise my blog, win old crap!

Since my gospel is seriously lacking in any type of active community ('cept for evolved and snyde), I'm going to have a promotion where I give away fantastic prizes (read: old crap I am too lazy to throw out) to the person that gets me the most new commenting readers, or feed subscribers.

Stupid jun....awesome prizes include: single socks that I can't find the other foot of (there's a sweet checker one that I used to like a lot), old car magazines (mainly Sport Compact Car), and a Sony mp3 player (brand new, never been used, can't return to Target). Ha! I bet you thought all of the prizes would be crap, well you were wrong asshole! The contest starts now and ends on some day next month.

Start promoting me now and get free trash, and an mp3 player.

Also, check out Snyde's blog for insights and quips far more intelligent than anything my feeble mind could come up with.

P.S. - I love vodka!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ticketmaster can eat my ass.

You know what's a great pastime? Going out to a concert with your friends, or by yourself, either way is great. You know what ruins the great pastime of concert-going? Ticketmaster.

Since the beginning of time man has hated fees. In fact, even God hates fees (tithes are not fees because God already owns your money, look it up). In the Bible, or some similar book, a man named Jesus throws money collectors out of the temple. You know why he did it? I'll tell you why, because Jesus hates fees! Maybe "hate" is too strong a word to use in conjunction with the Son of God, but I don't make a rope whip and beat people I strongly dislike, know what I'm saying?

Anywho, Ticketmaster is to fees as Howard Stern is to the sybian. They may not have invented them, but they sure as hell are the number one supporter of 'em. One of the best things about going to a concert is finding a band you like that is having a concert with cheap seats. "Sweet! Haley Joel Osment and I See Dead People are having a show and tickets are only $20," you say. Not so fast my taste challenged friend. Tickets were 20 bucks, before the tax of $1.60 and the whopping $7.50 ticketmaster slapped on! But wait, there's more. You also need to pay a building and facility fee of $1.50. Over half the price of your ticket to that gawdawful mess of a shriek fest is tax and fees. Slap on parking, and your average day shifter at the Spearmint Rhino has to choose between seeing the Pussycat Dolls to learn some new moves, or buy another 8 ball. Decisions decisions.

Shame on you Ticketmaster, shame on you. Making the working girl class, choose between higher education (new tricks for a stripper is higher education, that pole is tall) and the life blood that fuels their high heeled romps to Warrant's "Cherry Pie."

I, being a great American, will suggest a way to take the fees out of the equation for the fans, but still generate a profit for the evil monopoly. Make the fees indirectly proportional to the quality of the music at the show. It works like this: the Rolling Stones are arguably one of the greatest rock bands of all time. They are also reanimated corpses that move in a surprisingly lifelike fashion. That's almost two shows in one, the fee: $.50. Now, say you want to see an Ashlee Simpson concert, and not because your a fat, greasy pedophile looking to pick up some trim. Your ticket price is $50 plus the $35 awful as all hell, caterwalling, lipsynching, nosejob subsidy fee. $85 total, it's no problem since the only people that would see that crap only make $5 a week in allowance and can convince their parents to buy them ponies, cell phones, and concert tickets (filthy little whores, I never got a pony). It's a win win situation.

There you go, if you have good taste in music (as determined by me) almost no fees, and if you don't, then you pay out the ass. For my small part in creating the fee to quality ratio, I will take 1% of all fees generated from crappy artists.