Friday, October 20, 2006

My Mom thinks I swear too much.

My Mom checked out the blog and this is what she had to say (spelling errors left in to show my superior typing skills):

Why are there so many curse words on your site. Yhat's [sic] a VERY poor reflection on your upbringing. Do you know that people can get into yopur [sic] blog and see it. Is that a true reflection of who you are??? Clean up your act man, and find cleaner words to use. Get rid of the F word!!!!

If you think I use the F word a lot you should hear the king of all Dad. I learned to swear from the best of them, and that's something I use to effect to accentuate my posts. I don't swear a lot in real life (shut the fuck up evolved)...unless I'm angry. Anyway, my parents taught me many things, mom taught me how to ride a bike, dad taught me not to hit women (way to tie my hands with that one Dad!), they both taught me many things that I thank them both for. The only reason I'm not staying down at home to catch the concert with evolved is because spending time with my Dad is one of my highest priorities in life (maybe if you stopped smoking and I didn't expect you to die at any moment, I could lower the alert level to mustard or chartreuse).

All in all, don't be so sensitive Mom.

P.S. - she told me I should use my blog to talk about Jesus. If you don't know who Jesus is and what he did then you are an R-tard. Go to and look up John chapter 3, verse 16. Jesus is good stuff, I recommend Him and God to everyone. There's my preaching for the day.

*Note - I capitalize "Mom" and "Dad" because I use them as their distinct title, like Doctor. Although my Dad is technically a doctor, I do not refer to him as such because I would then be a pretentious asshat.


Unknown said...

What did you expect, dummy????

Snyde said...

Hey, you crossed the line when you went after Saint Oprah -- she's higher than Mary in the modern pantheon -- just ask Dr Phil if you don't believe me!!! lmfao

Snyde said...

I recommend He and God to everyone.

uh, that should read "Him" ...

Tekk said...

Well you've proven my point already by telling me to "shut the fuck up" so no comment there :)

And dont worry...Im missing the blasted concert as well. I went online to (aka the FEE nazis) where it stated they would be available at 10:00am on Saturday for purchase. Went there at about 10:15 and guess what.....SOLD OUT. *sigh*

Fatal said...

"Him" it is.

Next rant: "Ticketmaster Can Eat My Ass." Look for it in the near future.